Introduction #
Welcome to our integration program! This document outlines the process and steps for integrating your system with ours. Successful integration ensures seamless communication and data exchange between our systems, improving efficiency and user experience.
Requesting Integration #
Eligibility #
Before requesting integration, please ensure that you meets the following prerequisites:
- Active Merchant Account
Communication Channels #
To request integration, please follow these steps:
- Contact our Integration Team via to express your interest in integration.
- Provide a brief overview of your project, your integration objectives, and the systems involved.
Integration Process #
Scope and Objectives #
Work closely with our Integration Team to define the integration scope and objectives, including data flows, functionalities, and desired outcomes.
Documentation #
- Share system documentation, APIs, or data schemas.
- Collaboratively design integration interfaces.
- Define data transformation and mapping requirements.
Data Mapping #
Ensure data consistency by mapping and transforming data between systems. Define the structure and format of exchanged data.
Security and Compliance #
Implement security measures and ensure compliance with relevant standards, including encryption, access controls, and data privacy.
Issue Reporting #
Reporting Channels #
To report integration issues, use the following channels:
Severity Levels #
Please categorize issues with appropriate severity levels:
- Critical: System is unusable or data integrity is compromised.
- Major: Significant issues affecting performance or functionality.
- Minor: Non-critical issues causing inconvenience but not system failure.
Integration Testing #
Test Environments #
Collaborate to set up test environments to validate the integration:
- Staging Environment: For pre-production initial integration and testing.
- Production Environment: The live environment.
UAT Test Cases #
Define and execute test UAT cases to ensure integration functionality and data accuracy.
Completion and Go-Live #
Once testing is successful, coordinate with our Integration Team to plan and execute the integration’s go-live phase.
Ongoing Support #
Our Integration Team will provide ongoing support to address any post-integration issues, maintenance needs or feature requirement.
Contact Information #
For any questions or assistance related to integration, please contact our Integration Team:
- +255 753 308 308
Thank you for choosing to integrate with ClickPesa. We look forward to a successful partnership.